Wednesday, December 31, 2008

101 Things List

(In no particular order)

1. Go out bila watoto (without kids) 1 time a month for 6 months.
2. Find a place to do regular volunteer work.
3. Sort through Benny's dresser and get rid of old clothes
4. Book tickets to Dar for June
5. Find Swahili CD and work on it for 1 hour/week
6. Purge Josie's toys
7. Email accountant AND get tax information in order
8. Clean desk.
9. Start training dog.
10. Take walk once a week.
11. Get kids signed up for swimming.
12. Go for ten dives.
13. Take Project Management course.
14. Stop taking Ambien.
15. Visit the monastery in Conyers.
16. Clean and sort through scrapbook things.
17. Try to scrapbook again.
18. Find someone to make the quilts.
19. Finish Suze Orman book.
20. Reduce my electricity bill by 20%.
21. Set up a college savings plan for each child.
22. Host a dinner party 3 times a year.
23. Start writing again.
24. Contact two different organizations about contract work.
25. Sort through the kid's books.
26. Call IRC (again) about donating furniture.
27. Look into urn for Bob's ashes.
28. Send Elysha a note and ask her opinion of Rosetta Stone for Swahili.
29. Take cooking class with Tom.
30. Exercise at YMCA 2 times per week.
31. Read The Economist
32. Print credit report and score.
33. Put insulation in attic.
34. Get carpet steam cleaned.
35. Make soap 3 times in 6 months.
36. Visit a new church.
37. Replace interior doors.
38. Get estimate to remodel bathrooms.
39. Start a compost pile.
40. Pull up landscaping cloth and plow front garden section.
41. Find someone to help plant garden.
42. Get Graca set up with a computer and Internet.
43. Stay in touch with my in-laws.
44. Help spread the word about pancreatic cancer.
45. Learn to ice cakes with fondant.
46. Come up with more things for this list.
47. Look into feasibility of closing in carport.
48. Learn to knit or crochet.
49. Find a good reliable babysitter.
50. Find a ballet class for Josie.
51. Find an art class for Josh.
52. Follow up on Josh's speech.
53. Go bike riding with the kids.
54. Read 3 new fiction books in 6 months.
55. Pay library fines.

A new start

It's been a shitty year--the worst in all my nearly 40 years. But I think having a list of specific tasks that I can work on in the next 1001 days will help me to stay focused and move forward. So over the next few days I will be creating the list--and the marking things off. I can't wait!